Below are a list of error codes within the Bloom ecosystem.
Orderbook Errors
/// @notice Emitted when an operation is trying to access more liquidity than there is depth.
error InsufficientDepth();
/// @notice Emitted the admin inputs a leverage value that is not within the bounds. (0, 100)
error InvalidLeverage();
/// @notice Emitted when a borrower matches an order or orders that are too small to be filled.
/// Amount post leverage must be greater than 0.
error InvalidMatchSize();
KYC Errors
/// @notice Emitted when a users tries to interact with a function that requires KYC verification.
error KYCFailed();
Token Errors
/// @notice Emitted when a user tries to call a function only for the BloomPool.
error NotBloom();
/// @notice Emitted when trying to swap out TBYs that have not matured.
error TBYNotMatured();
/// @notice Emitted when a user tries to check the total supply of a order that isnt a live TBY.
error InvalidId();
/// @notice Emitted when a borrower or lender has no shares of lTBY or bTBY.
error ZeroShares();
General Errors
/// @notice Emitted when a users inputs an invalid amount.
error ZeroAmount();
/// @notice Emitted when a user inputs an invalid address.
error ZeroAddress();
/// @notice Emiited when a user tries to spend more than their balance.
error InsufficientBalance();
Last updated